HomeArchitecture23 Bedroom Accent Wall Ideas That Make A Statement

23 Bedroom Accent Wall Ideas That Make A Statement

Funky flowers, wood paneling, a dramatic color palette, weaving it all into your bedroom design can be overwhelming. But delving into bold design choices for bedroom accent wall ideas? Now we are talking. Working with home design that makes a statement in small doses means you can have fun without any worries when it comes time to renovate your space. From minimalist to over-the-top options, we’ve rounded up 23 bedroom wall decor ideas, with expert advice from home design pros, to give you plenty of insight, including wallpaper, striking art, bold botanicals, a moose. mural and much more.

What wall should be the accent wall in a room?

“When it comes to choosing an accent wall for the bedroom, it’s all about drawing attention,” says Lucas Goldbach of En Masse Architecture and Design in Chicago. While choosing behind the bed usually makes more sense (after all, the bed is often the largest piece of furniture in the room), any wall is fair game. “Some people choose to highlight the wall opposite the bed, so they can enjoy the view!” says Jill Steinberg of custom wallpaper brand Fine & Dandy Co.

What are the rules about decorative walls in the bedroom?

“No competing accent walls! Stick to one wall,” advises Molly Torres Portnof of Brooklyn-based DATE Interiors. One can only imagine the visual chaos of three different accent walls in a room (wallpaper, wallpaper, and a black accent wall…yikes!). As for other rules, Taniya Nayak of Taniya Nayak Design in Boston says to remember that bedrooms are designed for sleeping. “I try to keep an accent wall in the bedroom on the quieter side and not too bright or busy,” she says.

What are the recent trends for decorative bedroom walls?

As for how to make an accent wall in 2023, Linda Hayslett of LH.Designs in Los Angeles notes that “wallpaper is back with a vengeance.” However, he also notes that the popularity of wallpaper has driven up prices, making an accent wall both an aesthetic and economical design choice. “Having a nice accent wall with wallpaper gives that extra sparkle to the room without breaking the bank,” she says. Other top trends include wood paneling, oversized art, photo murals and floor-to-ceiling curtains.



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